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Online learning or also known as “e-learning” is any form of learning conducted partly or wholly over the Internet. It is when you take online courses instead of attending physical classrooms.

There are different challenges to online learning such as technical issues and time management. However, one of the ways to help online learning more effectively is the use of online forms.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of online forms for online learning.    

Online forms are easy to create

Online forms are easy to create. There are a number of templates readily available for you. With just one click, you can have a survey form, contact form, questionnaires, or evaluation form that you can send to your instructor or students. Simply choose and click your template.

Online forms give you the convenience

Have you experienced creating or answering a form while you are on the road just to use your time productively and keep up with your daily tasks?

Online forms help you resolve this issue by enabling you to create forms anytime, anywhere. Creating or answering forms while you are on the road saves you tons of time. It lets the instructor and student set their own learning pace.

Furthermore, forget about your bad handwriting. All you need is your tablet or smartphone to create and answer your forms smoothly.

Can be customized

Online forms enable you to manually add or edit your forms. In Easy Peasy Forms, you just have to click the “Create Blank form” and simply drag the options (such as One Line Question, Multi-Line Question, Paragraph, etc.) to the blank form. Also, you are able to edit the labels on the Field Properties.

Through this, you can collect the exact data that you want to know. It also helps instructors and students enable them to understand what exactly needs to be improved for their learnings.

Online forms can be shared instantly and easy to follow up

Disseminating a form from one place to another takes too much effort and time, especially in the midst of a pandemic where going out is really unsafe.

Online forms enable you to share your forms or send a follow up instantly with different options such as:

  • Get URL
  • Embed your website
  • Create a button
  • Publish by Email
  • Share on Facebook/Twitter
  • Export to File

Online forms save you money

Paper is an expensive option. According to Record Nation, a typical teacher uses about 25-75 pages everyday in class and the average papers used in an entire school per day is around 2,000 pages.

Can you imagine the amount of money spent on papers every day in class? In an entire school per day? And in an entire school year?

Online forms help you save money by eliminating paper and printing costs. You are also getting rid of storage costs such as clipboards, pens, staples, etc.

Imagine how much money you or an institution will be able to save per school year by using online forms. 

With these benefits, online learning with online forms like Easy Peasy Forms can provide you the same or even better experience than a physical classroom.

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Form Creation should be easy peasy